All heal items call the same event with their unique data defined in the table below. It handles emotes, props, health gain, bleed reduction and stress reduction. Setting min and max values to 0 will not make it gain/reduce anything. Pretty simple.
HealItems = { { item ='bandage', bleed = {min =3, max =5}, heal = {min =10, max =15}, duration =3000, dict ='anim@amb@business@weed@weed_inspecting_high_dry@', clip ='weed_inspecting_high_base_inspector', flag =49, model =`prop_rolled_sock_02`, pos =vec3(0.1, 0, 0.05), rot =vec3(0, 0, 0), bone =26610, stress = {min =1, max =2}, disableActions = { move =false, car =false, mouse =false, combat =true, }, }, { item ='firstaid', bleed = {min =30, max =50}, heal = {min =40, max =70}, duration =8000, dict ='missheistdockssetup1clipboard@idle_a', clip ='idle_a', model =`prop_stat_pack_01`, pos =vec3(0, 0, 0), rot =vec3(0, 0, 0), bone =60309, disableActions = { move =false, car =false, mouse =false, combat =true, }, },},
Medical Bag
This is your medical bag. You can define the item name for the bag and the default stock of items that goes into it. This persists whilst the server is online. On restart, it will reset to stock defaults. You will need to make restock locations at specific hospitals to restock your bag. See 'Adding a new hospital' at the top of this page.
MedBagItem ='medicalbag',MedBagItemDefaults = { -- Stock based system during server up time. Players will need to restock at restock location at specific hospitals. bandage = {amount =50}, firstaid = {amount =10}, weapon_flashlight = {amount =1}, radio = {amount =1},},
Perma System
If you do not wish to use the perma system, you can set EnablePermaSystem to false.
PermaWhitelistCids are the citizenid's of players that you allow to use the /perma id command.
EnablePermaSystem =true,PermaWhitelistCids = { -- Whitelisted citizenids that are able to perform /perma id. ['RANDOLIO'] =true-- QBCore/QBX citizenids are like 'BHU87653' | ESX is like 'char1:c76434832453242jerdgfvfgve'},PermaCommand ='perma',PermaWaitDuration =10000, -- 10 seconds and then the player will be deleted and bodybag gets deleted.
EMS Actions
By default it is binded to F6. This actions menu can be customized in cl_open.lua, following the format.